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Torque 82.0 kg-m (7117 in-lb)

BLA CodeKit Inclusions
2916241 x 291064 Cylinder - BA150-7ATM - alloy
1 x 291502 Helm - *SeaStar® 1.7 - front mount
3 x 291902 946ml SeaStar Solutions® oil
1 x 292997 Tube - 3⁄8" dia nylon (see note 1 & 3)
4 x 293610 Nut & olive kit
For extra steering station add:
1 x 291502 Helm - SeaStar® 1.7 - front mount
1 x 293605 Add a station/pilot fitting kit 'ORB'
1 x 291902 946ml SeaStar Solutions® oil
2 x 293610 Nut and olive kit